Seeking experts for new FHRI Fund Research Committee

The Future Health Research and Innovation (FHRI) Fund Advisory Council (Advisory Council) will establish a Research Expert Committee (Committee) to provide advice and recommendations to the Department of Health (Department) and the Advisory Council on activities, matters and emerging areas of opportunity related to health and medical research in WA.
The Committee will meet at least twice a year, and members may be required to participate in out of session activity. Committee member terms will be up to 3 years with the possibility of reappointment.
The Advisory Council is seeking expressions of interest from qualified people for the following Committee membership roles:
- A member with lived experience and expertise in consumer and community involvement in health and medical research
- A leading Indigenous researcher with expertise in Aboriginal health research in WA.
- Leading WA health and medical researchers who are:
- currently active in research with a minimum of 0.5 FTE dedicated research time
- Fellows of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences.
- experts in their fields with an appropriate spread of expertise across:
- universities, medical research institutes, health service providers and private research entities.
- each of the NHMRC broad research areas of basic science research, clinical medicine and science research, health services research, public/population health research
- Other experts in their field whom, taken together, the Advisory Council considers will provide a suitable blend of expertise and experience that will benefit the purpose of the Committee in the strategic focus areas of the WA Health and Medical Research Strategy and the FHRI Fund Strategy. This may include leaders of philanthropy, industry or national/international research institutions.
Consideration will be given to the composition of the Committee to ensure diversity and an appropriate spread of gender, career stage, age, sector and expertise.
Committee member positions are unpaid, with the exception of the consumer and community involvement representative, who will be reimbursed in accordance with Department policy.
The Research Expert Committee Terms of Reference provides additional information on responsibilities and requirements.
Applications (including a CV) must be submitted through the online Redcap Form.
Nominations close: 11:59pm 3 May 2024