Innovation Challenge 2023 - Sustainable Health Priorities

The Innovation Challenge 2023 - Sustainable Health Priorities provided the opportunity for Western Australian innovators to propose innovative solutions in the six Sustainable Health Review (SHR) priority recommendations and two additional SHR areas (Sustainable Health Priority areas).

Funding was provided on a competitive basis to innovators with proposed innovation activities falling within the Innovation Maturity Levels 4 - 6 (proof of feasibility, proof of value and preliminary validation).

Successful innovators were awarded funding between $150,000 and $450,000 ex GST.

Program Status: Closed

The Innovation Challenge 2023 - Sustainable Health Priorities Guidelines and Conditions, Minimum Data Form and Application Form can be accessed below:

Information on other FHRI Fund programs can be accessed by subscribing to updates or checking the FHRI Fund current opportunities.

Last Updated 21 July 2023

What if my innovative proposal addresses multiple Sustainable Health Priority areas?

Applicants need to identify a principal sustainable health priority area as the primary focus of the application. However, if the solution also addresses other areas which strengthens the overall impact of the solution these should be identified.

What does Innovation Maturity Levels (IML) 4-6 mean?

Each of the IMLs Proof of Feasibility (IML4), Proof of Value (IML5), Preliminary Validation (IML 6) are described in Appendix 1.

In the guidelines it suggests the maximum amount of the grant must not exceed $450,000. Does this include any external agency co-contribution or is external contribution in addition to the $450,000 requested through the grant?

The $450,000 funding limit only refers to the maximum amount that can be awarded through the Innovation Challenge. Any external funding can complement, but must not duplicate, the funding provided for the specified Activity.

What is the best way to include co-contributions from external agencies on the application form without exceeding the total allowable funding of $450,000?

Only funding being sought under this grant is to be included under item 18 in the application form. All external funding should be included under item 21.

Can work which has previously been undertaken using FHRI Funding be included in the application?

Such work can be included as background support of the proposed activity, but can not be part of the activity that is proposed to be funded.
Last Updated: 03/07/2024