Research Translation Projects 2021

The 2021 Research Translation Projects (RTP) program supported high-quality research projects that had the potential to identify efficiencies and cost savings, which could be translated into policy and/or practice in the WA public health system, while maintaining or improving patient outcomes.

Projects in the areas of clinical, health services and public health research were encouraged, including those that involved the undertaking of new research, proof-of-concept and/or pilot-studies.

Applications were required to address contemporary challenges faced by the WA public health system, include a solid economic analysis of the predicted benefits and demonstrate a commitment to the translation and implementation of research findings into health care policy and/or practice. 

Projects were awarded up to $270,000 and were required to be completed within 24 months with selection based on competitive merit.  

For information regarding the economic analysis of potential projects, please refer to the RTP Economic Protocol Information sheet.

Whilst this program is currently closed for applications, the RTP 2021 Guidelines and Conditions and RTP 2021 Application Form can be accessed below for reference:



Useful Resources:

The Sax Institute’s Translational Research Framework (external site) - assists with refining research questions and identifying feasible research methods to answer these questions. 

The Department of Health website lists past RTP grant recipients

Last Updated: 03/07/2024