Innovation Challenge 2021: Child and Youth Mental Health

The Innovation Challenge 2021: Child and Youth Mental Health (the Challenge) sought to stimulate innovation, and the development and delivery of a solution to a significant unmet need identified by the Challenge ‘winner’ in the area of child and youth (0 – 24 years) mental health in Western Australia.

Funding was provided on a competitive basis to innovation proposals which demonstrated potential to develop and implement novel (new) processes, products and/or services relevant to this area. The proposed solution must result in transformative/disruptive change.

The Challenge will be open to legally constituted entities based in Western Australia, Australia or internationally.  

Up to 10 applicants may each be awarded up to AUD $50,000 to undertake feasibility studies and/or build prototypes around their proposed solution to the problem that they have identified. One proposed solution (the ‘winner’ of the Challenge) was awarded up to AUD $1.5 million to fully develop and implement the solution in Western Australia.

Program Status: Closed

The Challenge Guidelines and Conditions and Application Form can be accessed below:

Guidelines and Conditions             
Last Updated: 03/07/2024