NCRIS Partner Program 2024-25
The National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) Partner Program 2024-25 (the Program) aims to leverage Australian Government and partner funding for the collaborative acquisition of national research infrastructure to maintain and grow WA’s cutting-edge health and medical research and innovation capabilities.
The Program provides in-principle cash commitments to leverage the Commonwealth Government’s NCRIS program to support existing and new national health and medical research and innovation infrastructure, equipment and staffing based in WA.
Program Status: Open for Applications
Applications Close: 1.00pm (AWST), 1 May 2025
The Application Form must be submitted via the Department of Health Grant Management System.
Please note that the Grant Management System Application Form is not yet published. The application questions are provided in the Application Form in word document format so that you can commence preparing your application.
The Grant Management System Application Form will be available online closer to the Application due date and this website will be updated with submission instructions when this is available.
The Guidelines and Conditions and Application Form can be accessed below:
Queries related to the Guidelines and Conditions can be directed to with the subject line beginning with ‘Query – NCRISPP2024-25’.
Queries regarding the application process can be directed to with the subject line beginning with ‘GMS Application Assistance – NCRISPP2024-25’.
Information on other FHRI Fund programs can be accessed by subscribing to updates or checking the current funding opportunities.