Major Research Application Support Program

The 2023-24 Major Research Application Support (MRAS) Program provided in-principle financial support for research applications being submitted to nationally and internationally competitive grant funding rounds to boost their chance of success.

Through this, the MRAS Program aimed to enable the translation of research findings into new knowledge and improved health and wellbeing, address areas of need, and enhance WA’s standing as a leader in health and medical research.

Funding was disbursed when evidence was provided that the External Program application was successful, and an appropriate funding agreement had been executed.

There was no minimum or maximum limit per MRAS grant for submissions.

Program Status: Closed

The 2023-24 Program Guidelines and Conditions and Application Forms can be accessed below.


Guidelines and Conditions and Minimum Data Form (applicable to all applications)


Application Forms

Up to $1 million only Above $1 million only

Any queries related to the program can be directed to the Western Australian Department of Health, Office of Medical Research and Innovation


Information on other FHRI Fund programs can be accessed by subscribing to updates or checking the FHRI Fund current opportunities.

Last Updated: 03/07/2024