FHRI Fund Programs and Initiatives
A program or initiative is a mechanism through which funding is directed to a specific purpose and contributes to achieving one or more of the priority goals.
Programs and initiatives are approved by the Minister with consideration to the recommendation of the Advisory Council.
The Department of Health is responsible for developing, implementing and managing programs and initiatives, with assistance from expert committees as appropriate. The Advisory Council oversees the programs and initiatives and assures they have been developed and implemented appropriately and align with the priority goals.
Selection processes
For each program or initiative, one of the following selection processes is utilised to determine recipients of funding:
- Selection based on assessment criteria: eligible applications are critically evaluated through an open and competitive process that includes a panel review against defined assessment criteria with this informing the selection of funding recipients.
- Selection based on measures of excellence: eligible applications receive funding based on an open competitive process that includes a ‘research excellence’ measure, such as the amount of nationally and internationally competitive, peer-reviewed, grant income they have received, the number of PhD students supported, or the number of new projects approved by an appropriate review committee (i.e. scientific review committee or human research ethics committee) to demonstrate recency and relevancy.
Grant review panels
The OMRI is able to establish expert committees to support the Advisory Council, the Minister and the Department of Health, as required. Expert committees are normally time-limited, and each has a clearly defined scope, as well as more general terms of reference related to conflicts of interest and ethical conduct.
Expert committees can include the establishment of grant review panels to assess applications for any given program or initiative.
The ongoing participation of the WA health and medical research and innovation community and of consumers in grant review panels assists the Office of Medical Research and Innovation (OMRI) to ensure competitive grant review processes and decisions on funding are based on impartial and expert advice.
Each time a review process is required, OMRI will draw grant reviewers from a pool of reviewers and subject matter experts. In selecting reviewers, consideration is given to an appropriate spread of expertise, experience, age and gender, to ensure diversity and the best mix of skills on each review panel.
To assist with identifying suitable panel members, nominations are sought from people who are interested in being a reviewer in an application assessment process. To express an interest in joining a grant review panel please visit Future Health Research and Innovation Fund - Get involved
The FHRI Fund acknowledges the people who contributed to the FHRI Fund grant review process. The names and institutional affiliation(s) of committee members for grant reviewers for 2023-24 onwards are shown below. The specific activities in which individuals participated have not been disclosed to preserve the independence of the selection processes. Individuals who have not provided consent for their name and affiliation to be published have not been included. It is noted that some individuals may have participated in more than one committee.
Grant reviewers from 2020-21 to 2022-23 can be viewed in the corresponding Annual Report.
We thank the people who took part in the FHRI Fund grant review panels between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024.
Name | Organisation | ||
Professor | Gary | Allison | Curtin University |
Professor | Lyn | Beazley | University of Western Australia |
Ms | Laura | Beere | Department of Health WA |
Dr | Carlo | Belini | Health Innovation Performance Consulting |
Mr | Tim | Benson | Consumer |
Emeritus Professor | Gregory | Blatch | University of Notre Dame Australia |
Mr | Brad | Boyle | Consumer |
Associate Professor | Janie | Brown | Curtin University |
Dr | Michael | Challenor | Innovate Science Solutions |
Dr | Laurence | Cheung | Curtin University |
Ms | Tracie | Clark | Consumer |
Dr | Jackie | Davis | The Kids Research Institute Australia |
Dr | Helen | De Jong | South Metropolitan Health Service |
Professor | Claire | Donnellan | Edith Cowan University |
Professor | Ian | Everall | WA Health Translation Network |
Professor | Judith | Finn | Curtin University |
Ms | Diana | Forsyth | Consumer |
Dr | Alma | Fulurija | The Kids Research Institute Australia |
Dr | Amanual | Gebramedhin | Curtin University |
Ms | Grace | Gatt-Lodding | South Metropolitan Health Service |
Dr | Andrew | Gibson | Murdoch University |
Associate Professor | Rebecca | Glauert | University of Western Australia |
Associate Professor | Erin | Godecke | Edith Cowan University |
Ms | Clare | Goodall | Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation |
Professor | Elin | Gray | Edith Cowan University |
Professor | Jeffrey | Hamdorf | University of Western Australia |
Associate Professor | Juliana | Hamzah | Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research |
Ms | Susan | Hayes | Consumer |
Mr | Sean | Hood | University of Western Australia |
Professor | Gerard | Hoyne | University of Notre Dame Australia |
Ms | Sharon | Humphris | East Metropolitan Health Service |
Professor | Caroline | Hunt | University of Sydney |
Ms | Ravisha | Jayawickrama | Consumer |
Dr | Alene | Kefyalew | The Kids Research Institute Australia |
Dr | Mary | Kennedy | Edith Cowan University |
Associate Professor | Anthony | Kicic | The Kids Research Institute Australia |
Associate Professor | Ingrid | Laing | WA Health Translation Network, CCIProgram |
Mr | Howard | Lance | Consumer |
Ms | Clare | Langford | Department of Health WA |
Ms | Debra | Langridge | WA Health Translation Network, CCIProgram |
Professor | Amanda | Leach | Menzies School of Health Research |
Dr | Andrew | Leech | The Garden Family Medical Clinic |
Associate Professor | Bastien | Llmas | John Curtin School of Medical Research |
Ms | Samantha | Lodge | Murdoch University |
Dr | Welber | Marinovic | Curtin University |
Mrs | Clare | Masolin | Consumer |
Mr | Rohan | McDougall | Curtin University |
Professor | Peter | McEvoy | Curtin University |
Mr | David | Menegola | The Kids Research Institute Australia |
Dr | Helga | Mikkelson | Brandon Capital Partners |
Associate Professor | Francis | Mitrou | The Kids Research Institute Australia |
Associate Professor | Kathryn | Modecki | University of Western Australia |
Mr | Scott | Mosey | Consumer |
Professor | Merilee | Needham | Perron Institute for Neurological and Translational Science |
Associate Professor | Irene | Ngune | Edith Cowan University |
Associate Professor | Russell | Nichols | University of Western Australia |
Associate Professor | Kirsten | Nowak | Department of Health WA |
Ms | Louisa | Osborne | Department of Health WA |
Ms | Anita | Pavic | Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation |
Ms | Nicole | Philippson | Consumer |
Ms | Susan | Powe | North Metropolitan Health Service |
Ms | Alicia | Raguseo | Department of Health WA |
Professor | Anu | Rammoham | University of Western Australia |
Professor | Britta | Regli-Von Ungern Sternberg | University of Western Australia |
Associate Professor | David | Reid | Edith Cowan University |
Ms | Catherine | Resnick | Insightful X; Diabetes WA; Amygdala Consulting |
Mr | Lindsay | Rowe | Child and Adolescent Health Service |
Dr | Celine | Royet | VitalTrace |
Dr | Paul | Sadlier | North Metropolitan Health Service |
Dr | Amelia | Scaffidi | Raine Medical Research Foundation |
Mr | Mike | Seward | Consumer |
Ms | Carli | Sheers | Consumer |
Associate Professor | Hamid | Sohrabi | Murdoch University |
Ms | Brooke | Somner | Consumer |
Mr | Peter | Sprivulis | Department of Health WA |
Ms | Kaila | Stevens | Child and Adolescent Health Service |
Professor | Zhonghua | Sun | Curtin University |
Dr | Simon | Towler | Department of Health WA |
Dr | Debra | Turner | WA Health Translation Network |
Dr | Amelia | Vom | MTPConnect |
Dr | Kimberley | Wang | University of Western Australia |
Professor | Grant | Waterer | East Metropolitan Health Service |
Ms | Ashlee | Wells | Department of Health WA |
Professor | Lisa | Whitehead | Edith Cowan University |
Dr | Tracey | Wilkinson | MTPConnect |
Dr | Yu | Yu | Curtin University |
Honorary Professor | Mel | Ziman | Edith Cowan University |