FHRI supports four innovative AI projects

A total of $1,954,926 ex GST has been awarded to Western Australian innovators through the Innovation Challenge – Generative Artificial Intelligence Applications Stage 2 program.
This program promotes creative solutions that use Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to address significant health and medical challenges and proactively builds the capacity and capability of WA innovators to leverage the strengths and opportunities presented by Generative Artificial Intelligence applications.
Generative AI refers to a category of AI algorithms that generate new outputs based on the data they are trained on. The algorithms can be applied to create new content, including audio code, images, text, simulations and videos.
The following Innovation Challenge – Generative Artificial Intelligence Applications Stage 2 recipients have been awarded grants through this program:
Activity lead | Activity title | Responsible entity | Funding awarded |
Professor Girish Dwivedi | Synergistic explainable AI and generative models to improve ECG diagnostic accuracy and confidence in diagnosis. | The University of Western Australia | $481,105 |
A/Professor Anthony Kicic | Using in-silico generative artificial intelligence modelling to predict bacteriophage activity against specific AMR bacteria. | Curtin University | $500,000 |
Dr Brennen Mills | AI-driven virtual character simulation for aggression and violence de-escalation training in virtual reality. | Edith Cowan University | $499,660 |
Dr Guanjin Wang | Co-designed interpretable generative AI solution to improve critical service of perinatal mental health assessment for Aboriginal families. | Murdoch University | $474,161 |