Future Health Research and Innovation Fund Open Day

FHRI Fund March 2023 Open Day to be held at Curtin University, co-hosted by the enAble Institute
The WA State Government’s Future Health Research and Innovation (FHRI) Fund March 2023 Open Day has a theme of Mental Health which is one of the focus areas of the Fund. It is an opportunity for the research and innovation community to health about funding programs and initiatives that are available in the March funding cycle. It is also an opportunity to hear from distinguished speakers in the field of mental health and research more broadly. The event will be coordinated by the Department of Health’s Office of Medical Research and Innovation (OMRI) in partnership with Curtin University’s enAble Institute.
The Open Day will be held at:
Nesuto Curtin, Curtin University
1st floor Bentley Grand
B420 Koorliny Way & Beazley Ave
Bentley, Western Australia
This session will run from 10:30am to 2:00pm on Thursday 2 March 2023.
We encourage participation on the day, either in person or online and tickets can be booked through Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/future-health-research-and-innovation-fund-march-2023-open-day-tickets-556332313927
Questions about the event may be submitted via DOH.OMRI@health.wa.gov.au