Seeking nominations for participation on grant review panels

Competitive review processes are integral to ensuring that funding from the Future Health Research and Innovation (FHRI) Fund supports the highest quality health and medical research and innovation in Western Australia (WA) and best serves the WA community.
The ongoing participation of the WA health and medical research and innovation community and of consumers assists the Office of Medical Research and Innovation (OMRI) to ensure competitive grant review processes and decisions on funding are based on impartial and expert advice.
Participation in FHRI Fund review processes provide the opportunity for reviewers to contribute to health and medical research and innovation in WA and can be an important professional development opportunity. Reviewing FHRI Fund applications provides exposure to new research and innovation initiatives and increased understanding of FHRI Fund application and review processes.
OMRI is seeking expressions of interest from people with expertise and experience in health and medical research and/or innovation and from consumers with lived experience of a health issue to participate in future FHRI Fund and Department of Health competitive review processes.
Nominations are sought for three reviewer categories and should be submitted via the form available at the links below:
Each time a review process is required, OMRI will draw grant reviewers from the pool of reviewers and suitable reviewers will be contacted to determine their availability. In selecting reviewers, consideration will be given to an appropriate spread of factors such as expertise, age, experience and gender, to ensure diversity and the best mix of skills on each review panel.
Participation on grant review panels is voluntary, however for consumers not employed in the WA health system the Department of Health Consumer, carer and community paid participation in engagement activities policy applies.
Details provided in expression of interest forms will be kept confidential, however, the names of those who serve on a review panel will be published in the FHRI Fund's annual report.
If you have questions regarding the reviewer nomination process or expectations, please the Office of Medical Research and Innovation.