Advisory Council and Strategy announced for Future Health Research and Innovation Fund

The Minister for Health has today announced the make-up of the Advisory Council for the Future Health Research and Innovation (FHRI) Fund.
The FHRI Fund Strategy 2020 - 2022: Activating Research and Innovation has also been released, which is the culmination of substantial consultation and development over the last two years. The Strategy can be downloaded here.
The $1.4 billion FHRI Fund was the centrepiece of the State Government's commitment to drive research and innovation in Western Australia by providing the State's health and medical researchers and innovators with a secure and ongoing source of funding.
The nine-member council will be chaired by HBF CEO John Van Der Wielen.
The other members are:
- Dr Glenn Begley – CEO, BioCurate
- Mr Kane Blackman – Community representative
- Professor Sandra Eades – Dean of Medicine, Curtin University
- Ms Dale Fisher – CEO, Silver Chain Group, Adjunct Professor at Monash and Swinburne universities
- Professor Christina Mitchell AO – Executive Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash University
- Mrs Vicki O’Donnell – CEO, Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services Ltd
- Dr DJ Russell-Weisz – Director General, Department of Health (non-voting)
- Mr Richard Sellers – A/Director General, Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation (non-voting)
The establishment of the Advisory Council follows legislation that re-purposed the WA Future Fund (the State’s sovereign wealth fund) – allowing interest earned on it to be directed to local health and medical research, innovation and commercialisation.
The Advisory Council has roles and responsibilities under the FHRI Fund's enabling legislation and under the Fund's Governance Framework. To learn more about the FHRI Fund's governance arrangements, click here.
View the State Government media announcement (external site) for more details.